Who works with me:

Do you tolerate and manage your life with an endless list of fix-its and to-dos around your health?  Have you come to accept that's ‘just how it is’?

Do you feel caught in a constant race between busy-ness and collapse?  Is your body paying the price?

Do you will your way through injuries, stress and transitions, and find that approach doesn’t work anymore?

Do you love yoga or exercise? Are you at a point where you could benefit from expert input to address that niggling pain, that frustrating pose? Would you like to learn more about what’s going on so you can get in the flow?

Do you totally get that ‘it’s all connected’ and would love to have skilled, experienced support and guidance on your healing path?

You may suffer from:

  • Insomnia

  • Muscle and joint pain

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Decreased body awareness, balance, coordination

  • PTSD/trauma

  • Migraines/headaches

  • Injury/accident recovery

  • Chronic pain

  • Yoga and sports injuries

  • Life transition

  • Sensory Processing Disorder

How I can help you

Pain keeps you from living the life you deserve. It’s your body’s way of signalling that something needs to change. I help people identify their unseen stressors, empower them to take care of themselves, and move from pain and overwhelm into harmony and well being.

Big change comes from small shifts. Why? Because small shifts happen at a rate our nervous system can process and which we are truly able to integrate into our actual lives. Physical, mental, and emotional overwhelm cause us to disconnect from our bodies. We can be stuck in patterns that interfere with healthy movement and not even know it. Unseen stressors in and on your body compel you to fight, flee, or freeze. This creates twists and turns in muscles, joints, and fascia that happen below your awareness. These can result in a variety of symptoms such as pain, insomnia, anxiety and depression.

Each session integrates and is informed by the following modalities:

Occupational Therapy (OT): Movement/activity-based treatment, customized for the client’s context;  i.e. environment, resources, goals and needs. Evidence-based practice, deeply rooted in science, OT is considered the most holistic of traditional health care professions.

Yoga Therapy: Applies yogic tools of breath, movement, and meditation to individual needs. Based on the interconnected human system, what is happening in one area is affecting another.  Improved breathing reduces muscle tension which may lead to increased feelings of well being, improved relationships, etc. Read more about yoga therapy.

CranioSacral Therapy: Skilled, precise, therapeutic touch attuned to the most subtle movements in the body. Releases tissue blockages, addresses nervous system distress and restrictions, and assists the body’s natural healing process.

The Reembody Method: A movement and manual therapy modality. As your body absorbs forces like gravity, friction, and inertia, your brain’s perception of them—as either safe or threatening—determines the quality of the movement that follows. 

Rhythmic Movement Training: Movement-based, primitive (infant or neo-natal) reflex integration program that uses developmental movements, gentle isometric pressure and self-awareness to rebuild the foundations necessary to help overcome learning, sensory, emotional and behavioral challenges for children and adults.